This is a simple translation from our legal document in spanish language. Our legal obligations are dictated by our spanish document.
Nuvlar, S.A. de C.V. (from now on "Locrypt"), located on street address "Felipe Angeles 417, Alpes, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, 25270", in accordance to Mexico's Federal Personal Data Laws, has established the following guidelines to protect all personal data from its clients:
1. Requested Data
Locrypt des NOT request any personal data form its users. Locrypt only stores the following information from each client (all data is encrypted except timestamps):
- A unique, non compromising encrypted client device ID.
The client device's encrypted location and contextual data:
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Activity (walking, running, on vehicle, etc.)
- Battery status
- A timestamp indicating the date and time of insertion of such data in our servers.
With this data, it is virtually impossible for any third party (except users you share your private key with) to read or have knowledge of the ownership of such data. This privacy is achieved because of the following:
- Locrypt does not store identifiable personal data, encrypted or not.
- The name of each user is not stored on our servers, it is stored directly on each device.
- Your personal private key is completely random and virtually impossible to guess. There are 1.157920892×10⁷⁷ possible conmutations of passwords, that is billions of times more possibilities than the amount of stars in our observable universe.
2. Privacy and User Data Protection
Locrypt uses the most advanced encryption standards and process to protect encrypted data. This technology cyphers, decyphers and prevents eavesdropping of data handled by our servers.
Locrypt can reveal this data to a government or competent party if a warrant is issued, although this data will be useless because of all the before mentioned arguments.
3. Data Collection of US Underage Residents
Locrypt does not collect or store information of US resident users under the age of 13.
If you have any doubts about your privacy, please contact us at: legal@nuvlar.com
Welcome to Locrypt. In the following paragraphs our Terms and Conditions of Use (henceforth "Terms of Service"), which rule the entire use of our service (all servers of the domain name *.locrypt.com, and Android® app with identifier com.Nuvlar.locrypt) will be stated.
By using our service, you hereby consent to be bound by the terms of service of this platform, as well as all laws and regulations applicable in accordance to current laws and legistations regarding our service. Please visit this website regularly, in order to stay up to date with its changes and updates. If you, by any reason, fail to comply with this Terms of Service, Locrypt can block your use of the service (temporarily or permanently) or take any legal action deemed necessary for its interests.
Permitted Usage.
In this act you certify that you know that you are only authorized to see and consult the pages of the system for your own use, and you have no authorization to duplicate, download, publish, modify, distribuite or alter in any way the contents and materials of the page and system for any other pourpose different of the authorized use of the System, unless it has been authorized specificly by Locrypt.
The content and software of the system is property of Locryp and/or its suppliers, and is protected by international and national copyright laws. We have published a legal document and several credit titles in the pages of the system, and those shall not be removed. Please dont erase this legal document or credits, or any other aditional information included in this documents and credits.
Access and interferance
You here certify that you shall not use any robot, spider, automatic system or manual procedure to monitor or copy our Web and APIs and ther contents for any other un-authorized procedure without previous writen consent by Locrypt. You certify that you shall not use any device, software or routine that interferes with the correct functionality of the System and you whall not try to interfere with the correct funcionality of the System.
This agreement that you shall not take any action that gives irreasonable or excesive burden to our infraestructure. You certify that you will nos acess or reload any page, or make requests to our transaction servers, more than once during a three (3) second period. You certify that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, creat derivative funcions, or show any content publicly (whith exception of your personal non commercial use) of the sistem without previous writen consent from Locrypt.
System's unauthorized use
Any ileagal or unauthorized use of Locrypt is considered a violation of our Use Conditions, including the unauthorized use of any robot, spider or automated procedure of the site and system Any individual that makes excesive petions of the site and system APIs within a 24 hour period is considered ileagal use.
Suspicion of violation of the conditions of use or the Law; Cautionary meassures and damages severance payments.
The violation of this conditions of use, including the unauthorized use of Locrypt and it's site, can be investigated and needed legal actions can be taken, including but not limited to civil and penal actions. In this act you certify that you accept that, at sole Locrypt's discretion, and without previous notice, Locrypt can limit your access to the system, cancel your suscription, erase any unauthorized user's content or take any available action, if Locrypt has elements or sings that your conduct or any third party's conduct whom Locrypt believes you may be acting in common, or the content you provided are inconsistent with the terms established in this page or withthe Law, or that they violate Locrypt's rights,or any Locrypt's or the systems's user rights. In this act you certify your acceptance than the monetary damages can not give a suficient solution to the violation of this terms, and you accept to pay for any damages or perjuries.
You certify that the ileagal use of the System, as defined previously, can cause damages or perjuries to Locrypt, and can cause, among other things, the unhability to mantain a good relationship with its customers, the loss of sales and/or the rise of expenses involved in fighthing the ileagal use. You also agree that the monetary damages caused by the ileagal use of the system are hard and inconvenient to calculate. Because of this, you agree that the indemnification for the damages and perjuries are justified because of the abusive use. Therefore, you agree that if you or any other party that is acting with you individualy or colectively request more than 1,000 (one thousand) pages od the system in a period of 24 hours, you and those parties acting with you can be individually or colectively responsable for paying or the damages at the amount of ten american dollars ($10 USD) per requested page any time a page request is made after the first 1,000 page requests in the 24 hour period. You also agree that this will be the way of meassuing the damages of ileagal use of the sytem.
We believe that your privacy and the privacy of our users is very important. This terms are subject to the Privacy Policy, which is incorporated to the present documnt for your reference. Locrypt is not responsable or in any way legaly responsable for the use or sharing of your contact's information, financial information made by a third party with whom Locrypt has the authorization to share your information under this privacy policy. The personal information you enter in the system can be used to identify you or contact you, incluiding, but not limitined to your name, adress, telephone number, email adress or any other information. Locrypt can't prevent this information from being used in ways that violates this terms, the law or your personal privacy or safety. When you place this information on the system, yo accept this conditions.
Locrypt is not responsable for any loss of data and information caused by the use of the system or the appliyng of this terms. We urge our users to mantain your own backup version of any user's content or any other type of information that the system produces.
We remind you that at any time, you may make valid your "ARCO" rights in accordance to the following:
Access: You may contact Locrypt to solve any doubt relative to the use of your personal data by Locrypt.
Rectification: At any time you may ask to Locrypt that your data may be corrected, in case they are managed and/or registered in a wrongly manner.
Cancelation: P You can ask Locrpyt to cancel or delet your data as long as there is a cause that justify this action and you no longer have current or un resolved obligations with Locrypt.
Oposition: En In case you have don't have a relationship or a legal obligation with Locrypt and decide not to use any of Locrypt's services, you can use this right, not sharing any data.
Locrypt is not obligated to the system being free of errors or interruptions, or that it displays specifc results from the use of the system or any content, search or link in the system and the system's contents are delivered in the "As Is" condition. Locrypt can't assure that the files downloaded through the system are free of virus, destructive issues or any kind of contamination. Locrypt here in declare it is free of any responsability or warranties. Locrypt is not responsable for any damage of any kind that comes from the use of the system, including without limitation, direct and indirect damages, incidentals, punitive or consecuential. Locrypt does not warranty any specific result from the system or the use of the Locrypt's serivces.
Locrypt here frees it self from any and all responsability for any fact, imision or conduct from any user, third parties, publicists and/or sponsors in the sistem, in conection with Locrypt's services or from any way related to the use of the system and/pr the use of Locrypt's service. Locrypt is no responsable for the products, services, actions or lack of actions of any place, user or third party in conextion to the site or system or that makes reference to the system.
Without contradicting the aforementioned statements, you can report any bad conduct from users and/or publicists or third parties, service and/or product suppliers included in the system to the email legal@nuvlar.com and Locrypt can investigate the claim and thake the adecuate action, at it's sole discretion.
Liability Limits
At no circumstances Locrypt will be responsable for any direct or indirect consecuential, exeplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, or for the loss pof gains, profits, income or busines oportunities, even when the user has notified Locrypt of the posibility of existance of this damages.
If you have a dispute, then this dispute will be regulated by the laws and jurisdiction of the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. In this act you renounce to any jurisdiction that you may be entitled for your present or future adress.
In this act you expresely certify that is your will to free Locrypt of any indemnization or reimbursement for, freeing Locrypt, Locrypt's associates, workers, employees, contractors or parter companies of any responsability for the loss obligations, claims or law suits, incluiding legal fees of lawyers paid to third parties, becayse of or that arises from the use of the system, incluiding the good use of the system that gives a link to other site or by loading or downloading any information to/from the system.
"Locrypt" and "locrypt.com" and its designs are register trademarks of Locrypt.
"Google Coud Messaging" is a registered trademark of Alphabet Inc.